Teatime is for Friends... New and Old

This past weekend, the tearoom was graced with lovely friends who graduated together from East High in Des Moines, Iowa. They weren't really sure if they wanted to tell the year that they graduated...they actually wanted us to guess...but we're to smart for that! (smiles) Someone ended up, under their breath, stating 1958. What a blessing they are able to still enjoy each other's friendship over all these years... they keep in touch via e-mail and little outings like this one. It was an honor having them today! 

Some of them were cheerleaders, synchronized swimmers, golfers, singers, one was a drummer in a girl's band...and some said they were just "in the crowd." (ha) All of them went off to marry, some pursued nursing, computer programing, secretarial, and most importantly, mothers. 

Thank you East High Ladies (rah rah) for choosing Miss Spenser's Special-Teas for your special outing! We hope you come back again soon!

~Lady Donna & Miss Spenser


  1. What a beautiful photo of ladies having tea. Precious friendships. Deb

  2. What a lovely group of gals together for tea.

    That is so nice to have spent time together.

    Go East High Ladies!

  3. Oh how fun, and I KNOW they enjoyed their time together at your tea room! The three tier-tray is just laden with goodies - savory and sweet!


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