Teacup Thursday: Time is Precious...

"Time is Precious... Waste it Wisely."
~ Unknown

After a day in town running errands and doing some shopping, we treated ourselves to an afternoon Teatime and girly movie. We had purchased some yummy treats - German Stollen, Chocolate Tarts, Cake, Fruit Tarts... It was delightful! 

Other's Who Are Participating in
Teacup Thursday!

I'll post a link to your blog and you can link us to yours! Thank you!


  1. Oh that yummy platter and the cute teapot sweater!! Thank you for hosting yet, another great party at, Teacup Thursday, Miss Spencer. Big hugs,

  2. What a beautiful spred - glad you had some R & R!

  3. Love the adorable tea cozy. How nice that you were able to enjoy tea time and a movie today! The tray of desserts looks scrumptious! ~ Phyllis

  4. I could jump into my monitor and gobble those amazing looking sweet right UP!

    What a lovely tea break.

  5. What a wonderful sitting...and I love your knitted tea cozy! Thanks for hosting. Bit late today...dr appts...

  6. How perfect to treat yourself to a special tea, goodies, and a girly movie. Just what we all should do from time to time. Your photo made me feel like it was beginning to look like Christmas.

  7. Yum! Look at all that goodies! Your tea setting is so pretty, so perfect!.....Christine

  8. Oh you girls make me drool! I want those goodies.

  9. how hungry am i ?
    off to raid my pantry !!
    ty for the inspiration :))

  10. Lovely posts! I'll be following your blog :)

    If you are so inclined, I'm hosting my own link up tomorrow on my blog.


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