Teacup Thursday: Tribute to one of our Teatime Customers

We have been hosting tea parties now for the past six years…over this time, we have met some amazing people. Deborah Witte of Story City, Iowa, was one of these special people. We met Debbie a couple years ago when she made a reservation for two to attend one of our special events. Upon her arrival, we immediately sensed her enthusiasm for life and tea parties! We were graced by her presence on several different occasions…they were always followed up with the sweetest notes of encouragement…she was definitely one of our best cheerleaders.

Debbie was one of those special people that despite her sickness chose to live life abundantly and to the fullest. We never once heard her complain… It was with great sadness that we learned in January 2012 that Debbie had passed away in December. Christina, one of her executors, called us with the news and shared with us that she would like to give the tearoom Debbie’s beautiful Country Roses tea set to use in the tearoom. She knew that Debbie would love for us to use them...such exquisite taste!

It is with great honor and privilege to serve our guests with Debbie’s lovely china…and as we do…we know that Debbie’s legacy lives on. Please enjoy these lovely photos today of Debbie’s beautiful dishes.

Other's Who Are Participating in
Teacup Thursday!


  1. This pattern is incredible! I like a lot!

    Congratulations for your blog

  2. How beautiful! You must be feeling great joy knowing that your tea parties brought Debbie such happiness that she would bequeath her china to you for blessing others.

  3. I love Old Country Roses! I have never seen the plate with the picture in the middle. How lovely it is! Thanks for sharing about Debbie.
    Blessings, Beth

  4. Oh I just love all this flowers in your gorgeous English tea set. Thank you for hosting.

  5. Hubs called me to help him lift a piece of furniture and I sent you a fast note, so I don't forget to thank you for hosting sweet lady. Now, that I'm back at my desk I read the story about Debbie and her gorgeous tea dishes. The good die young, I've always heard this. You were so lucky to have known a special lady like Debbie. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Wonderful story and tribute to this sweet woman.

  7. I'm sorry to read of the loss of Debbie... she sounded like a wonderful lady and the kind of person we all would love to have in our life, happy, positive and encouraging. Prayers to you and her family. I love that you will be able to bring smiles to many more people as they visit your tea salon and that Debbie will continue to bring smiles to those whom are lucky to to use her tea set!Which is gorgeous!!! xo Blessings, HHL

  8. I am absolutely bawling my eyes out right now.

    Oh my goodness, what a lady and what a sweet thing and what a wonderful caring, sharing, amazing post.

    May this sweet gal Debbie rest in Peaceful Slumber as she awaits the return of the Lord. God bless her.

    Wow. Yes, truly the good die young.

  9. Oh I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your dear tea friend, but what a lovely gift to you and the tea room. What a blessing her gift will be to so many. Thanks so much for sharing the wonderful story bringing so much love and joy from sadness.

  10. A lovely tribute to your special guest. How generous that she thought of you and how wonderful to serve others with Debbie's beautiful gift.

  11. What a beautiful gift. What a treasure your friendship must have meant to her and her friendship to you. Thanks for sharing this gift with us.

  12. ohhh so lovely! story and gift ~ thank you for sharing with us...

  13. This has deeply touched my heart today. And, I, too, have never seen the dish with the rose arbor. Truly a beautiful post.

    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  14. It makes me sad that you lost a friend. What thoughtful to think of you in her will. To drink in the beautiful tea cups are a reminder of her. I wish you a wonderful day! Zinnia

  15. The plate with the scenery is exquisite. I am sorry about the loss of your friend. How nice that her special tea service will be enjoyed by others. Deb

  16. That really is quite an honour for her to leave the dishes to you. You will have great memories of her for years to come. A wonderful idea.


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