Teacup Thursday: Queen Elizabeth II

58 years ago today… on June 2nd, 1953 ~ Queen Elizabeth II was crowned monarch of the United Kingdom! So in honor of this day, I thought I’d share with you our Queen Elizabeth Teacup and Coronation plate.  Long Live the Queen!

Also, on a side note… 52 years ago today, my dad was born! Happy Birthday Dad!! :)  I guess great things happen on June 2nd!

Other's Who Are Participating in
Teacup Thursday!
Faith Hope & Cherrytea
Beautiful Clutter
Martha's Favorites
Breath of Fresh Air
Lady Linda Teacup
Gracious Hospitality
Bernideen's Tea Time Blog
Lady B's Time for Tea

If you'd like to join us for Teacup Thursday,
 email me here with your blog address.
I'll post a link to your blog and you can link us to yours! Thank you!


  1. I love the coronation pieces they are just gorgeous :-)

    Jem xXx

  2. beautiful commemorations! and bless you for honouring your dad :)
    having to use a roundabout way to post this comment as blogger not working, but you'll find
    free June wallpapers for your pcs at FHC ~
    tea and chat's always on ...

  3. Hello ladies,
    Your offerings today are lovely. I especially like the tea cup! You know everyone always said my mother could pass for the Queen's sister. It's always been an inside joke that we were related to the Queen. Happy Birthday to your father. I hope he has a wonderful day.


  4. Donna and Spenser....I LOVE queen things! You teacup is beautiful. Do you know when they celebrate the queen's birthday? I think it's in June, but I'm not sure. I am dreaming of coming to your tea shoppe...but I may never want to leave. You might have to put me on the payroll. LOL
    Love, Linda

  5. This is really really NEAT-O Hats off to your DAD!

  6. This still is alot of fun to get together with other ladies who enjoy tea time.

  7. I love your plate! I have a mug from that coronation.. it makes me want a royal tea party :)


  8. My computer wouldn't let me use your email function. If you would like to include my alice in wonderland tea (and teacup), this is my link


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