Teacup Thursday: "Provence by Tuscan"

This pretty tea cup is made by Tuscan, and is entitled "Provence." We couldn't resist this purchase...the teacup has such a "cottage" feel to it...simple, yet elegant.

Don't you think this sweet teapot, 'A Circle of Kindness,' is the perfect pairing for a pleasant afternoon?!

Come join us as we escape from the din of this world with a delicious cup of fragrant tea and a few Victoria magazines...ahh...the perfect fit for a beautiful summer afternoon.

Other's Who Are Participating in
Teacup Thursday!


  1. Beautiful teacup. And I love the teapot!! The pitcher of flowers is lovely as well.

    And, I'm with you...a pot of tea and Victoria magazine makes for a perfect afternoon.

    Patti (Fill My Cup with Beauty)

  2. What a beautiful teacup, I wouldn't have been able to resist it either. The pink cottage teapot with the cute aqua door is a perfect compliment. Together this is a wonderful setting for a little summer afternoon retreat.

  3. How lovely - the colors are wonderful!

  4. Such a pretty teapot, tea cup and saucer! I can imagine sitting out on the porch, sipping tea in this dainty cup and listening to the birds chirping softly in the trees!

    Joyfully in Jesus,

  5. I think I wouldn't be able to pass this one up either, it is beautiful.

  6. I love this cup. The colors are perfect, and I love all the different details in the design.


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