Teacup Thursday: A Blue Teapot Treasure

We've just graduated another kiddo through Driver's Ed!! What a feat!! Driving into town 2x a day (a 20 minute drive, one way, not to mention road construction!!) One day, after the pick up, I hopped into my friend's shop on the square in Indianola...what a special surprise awaited!! 

 Isn't this a lovely teapot??! 

Beth & Dennette
 Beth and Dennette's shop, Burlap & Roses, is on the square in Indianola and is filled with all kinds of fun things...if you haven't had a chance to stop in, you must...of course, after you've had tea at Miss Spenser's!! (SMILES). 
Burlap & Roses ~ South/East corner of Indianola Square
If you find something you like, don't leave it there...chances are, it won't be there when you return!  Thanks Beth and Dennette for the great find!

Other's Who Are Participating in
Teacup Thursday!


  1. Beautiful Ladies, and a shop I could ponder in for hours! Love that gorgeous teapot...
    Thank you for hosting this wonderful party.
    Have a fun week,

  2. It's a lovely find...just up my alley...I love blue and white...very nice Tea Pot...enjoy and have a wonderful day...with love Janice

  3. That looks like a shop I need to visit. Love the teapot!

  4. Unique teapot, with the white overlay! If I lived closer, I would definitely stop by for tea and to shop!

    Ann @ http://cairncottage.blogspot.com/
    Better joy in a cottage than sorrow in a palace” Spanish Proverb

  5. That teapot is a wonderful find...very pretty! I enjoy strolling through shops like that, you never know what you'll find.

  6. Good morning ladies,
    What a darling teapot! It is quite unique, isn't it? I love the raised grapevine on it. Thanks for sharing and have a delightful day. Happy Summer!


  7. What a beautiful, beautiful teapot! Just lovely! And yes, I remember those driver's ed days. Some were more exciting than others! Goodwill to all!


  8. Oh what a great teapot! What a great shoppe! I'd love love love to go there. Have a great week.

  9. That is one gorgeous teapot!!!!

    My nephew is just now learning to drive. He is pretty steady on it, can't complain - but he hasn't done any spooky driving yet like big time highway merging or anything like that. (Bite my knuckles.)

  10. My daughter got her license last summer...eeek! Such a nerve wracking experience for parents. Luckily, she is mature and responsible. Some of her classmates got their licenses a year before she did and wrecked cars within 6 months! Gorgeous teapot~ Thanks for hosting every week :)

  11. What a beautiful teapot. I've never seen one like that. Enjoy.

  12. Always a Delight! My friend would absolutely love this teapot! I have to admit I am glad to be out of the driver's ed business! Hope you have a blessed weekend - I appreciate you hosting,

  13. Such a lovely teapot!!! Crazy about it. Wedgewood-like. Who makes it? Who cares? It really is super-pretty. Enjoy your new toy. :)
    Ruthie at:http://www.ladybstimefortea.blogspot.com/

  14. That is a gorgeous teapot. Love the color.

  15. Thats a fantastic pot. What a great find!

  16. This teapot is just gorgeous!


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