True Friendship Never Fades…

True friendship never fades, but shines in life’s different seasons. Neighbors come into our lives, some move away, some stay, some wave, and then there are a few who become true friends… When you develop such a strong friendships that last 25 years, it is amazing. ~ Cynde Vits 7/21/14

We had the privilege of having old friends over for dinner this past weekend…I was going to blog on this, but Cynde beat me to it and penned these eloquent words above on her Facebook page; I couldn’t have said it any better.

We became friends in our Iowa City days…Cynde and Charlie shared in the joys when Don and I brought Miss Spenser into the world. We both moved on with jobs in the 1990’s – us to California and then back to Iowa 6 years later and the Vits to Michigan and then on to Indiana. Over the years, we have stayed in touch, Cynde and Charlie visiting us twice while in California and then we visited their lovely home in Indiana when Grayson was a few months old. Charlie and Cynde are the kind of friends that when you meet again, it seems like no time has passed! I like what Cynde said about this: 

"Although we had not seen one another in years, it seemed as if we had just walked across the field to have 'tea'."

We wanted to treat Cynde to a “tea-like” luncheon – so we served brunch with quiche and tea sandwiches. We had fun hosting the meal in the tearoom.

It was Charlie’s birthday – won’t say what number…but had to celebrate with chocolate cake of course! Oops, we forgot to get a picture of it before we dug in…it was yummy!

What a special day…I reveled in the afterglow of all the table talk on Monday, it left me feeling a bit melancholy, but also grateful to God for the lasting friendship!! Hopefully, we won’t let so much time go by before we meet again! Enjoy the photos!


  1. I too recently celebrated a dear friend's birthday with tea, which is my most recent post.

    I think it is a lovely way to say "I care." Your china is beautiful.


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