Teacup Thursday: Roses and Ivy

Good Morning Tea Friends! 


Today, I thought I'd share with you our Roses and Ivy Teapot and Teacup. I love the way this teapot is shaped, so unusual! It's one of my favorites, but then again, I'm a little partial to Roses and Ivy!  I hope you enjoy them! ~ Miss Spenser


We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have. 
 ~Frederick Keonig

Other's Who Are Participating in
Teacup Thursday!


  1. What a beautiful set- oh my word!! You are right, it is a very unique shape!

    Just gorgeous!

  2. That really is a pretty teapot and cup and saucer. Who is it by?? Trying to get you linked to my blog in return and can't figure it out. Thank you Betty

  3. You won't believe me, but I had that cup in my hand this morning to post on *my* blog! However, I have that cup hanging on my cup rack and the saucer wasn't within grasp so I chose another cup. Our minds must be on the same wavelength- that is the second time we have done that! I LOVE the tea pot!

  4. Oh my, what a gorgeous teapot and matching cup! I love them! Very pretty shape and detail. Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day.


  5. Thank you everyone for your nice comments! Betty, the Teapot is made by Crown Dorset - Staffordshire England and the teacup by Duchess. Bobbie - that is Crazy! ha-ha! What can i say - Great minds think alike! We must be kindred spirits! :) ~ Miss Spenser

  6. Ooooo lovely together.I Always enjoy your Thurs. Teas-Thank you.Come travel with Me this week to all My cafe's.

  7. I have that same teapot but w/o the raised design, or the cute little thingie on top of the lid. Your's looks much prettier than mine. But any teapot is beautiful.

  8. O so so pretty, I love the fact that Roses and Ivy together it's very nice...where did you purchase it at...thank you for sharing them...Happy Saturday...with love Janice

  9. deluxe! love it ~ exceptional !
    thx for sharing ;)


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