Teacup Thursday: Queen Anne

Teatime with a friend is always filled with wonderful conversation! A few months ago, I was enjoying tea with a friend and we were commenting on her new teacup it was made by “Queen Anne”. My friend and I are both Anne of Green Gables fans, and whenever we see the name “Anne” spelt with an “e” we always think of our dear book-friend Miss Anne Shirley! (Can any of you relate?) Upon arriving home, I thought I’d take a peek through Mom and I’s collection to see if we had any “Queen Anne” teacups too! And look what I found!

Queen Anne Teacup

If you google Queen Anne Teacups you’ll find that they are all different! Which is kind of fun… I think it would be neat to have a little collection of Queen Anne teacups and then host a tea party in honor of my favorite ‘Anne’… Anne Shirley! And with that in mind, I’d like to leave you with this teatime excerpt:
I can just imagine myself sitting down at the head of the table and pouring out the tea,” said Anne, shutting her eyes ecstatically, “and asking Diana if she takes sugar! I know she doesn’t but of course I’ll ask her just the as if I didn’t know.”
~Anne of Green Gables, by L. M. Montgomery

Other's Who Are Participating in
Teacup Thursday!
Faith Hope & Cherrytea
Beautiful Clutter

If you'd like to join us for Teacup Thursday,
 email me here with your blog address.
I'll post a link to your blog and you can link us to yours! Thank you!


  1. What a gorgeous teacup! I love the Fortnum and Mason Queen Anne tea peeping out from the background too! :-)


  2. I saw your Teacup Thursday through Beautiful Clutter. It is such a lovely idea and your teacup for today is very pretty x

  3. What a sweet teacup! Of course, you know I love Anne as I live on Prince Edward Island! The quote you used today I used in my post a couple of weeks ago. Anne sure does get around! Thanks for hosting and enjoy your day.


  4. Love Anne and all that goes with the book.My Great Grandma gave me a very early copy when I was a young girl.She wrote in it and put my name in it.I've taken good care of it all these years.After having it maybe over 50 years,last year my husband's new puppy grabed it off a table while we were gone and ATE IT.I still have it all tied up in a rubber band but in horrible shape.I just had to vent.

  5. Kindred Spirits for sure!
    i used to windowdress a friend's store with rooms created from Anne stories ")
    we put on Anne parties ~ fully dress up! for store customers who luved it!
    thx for the fond memories...

  6. Thank you to Mama and Daughter for a lovely Teacup Thursday yesterday! Dropped a quick email to the address you left on my blog, hope you both have a wonderful weekend!

    Jem xXx

  7. those teacups spells elegance:) i am your new follower.


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