Teacup Thursday: Another Queen Anne

Well, last week I showed you a Queen Anne teacup and told you about how I thought it would be neat to start a little collection of Queen Anne Teacups. Well, this week as I was looking through our collection teacups, trying to decide which one I wanted to feature for this weeks edition of Teacup Thursday, I came across this pretty little rose one. As I sit here to write about the name and title, I had to laugh outloud... guess who it was made by?  "Queen Anne"!  Haa-haa! I had another Queen Anne teacup that I didn't even know about!! Silly me... I wonder how many more I have in the cupboard... Looks like I've already started my collection of Queen Anne Teacups! 

Other's Who Are Participating in
Teacup Thursday!
Faith Hope & Cherrytea
Beautiful Clutter
Martha's Favorites

If you'd like to join us for Teacup Thursday,
 email me here with your blog address.
I'll post a link to your blog and you can link us to yours! Thank you!


  1. I'm about to pop my Teacup Thursday post up - yours is such a sweet pattern and the handle details are gorgeous!! How lovely that it's another Queen Anne too :-)

    Jem xXx

  2. Oh, I really like this one, it is lovely! I will have to go thru my cups to see if I have any Queen Anne after I get back to my house.

  3. That is a lovely one...they make a very good quality teacup and have some lovely designs...perfect for a collection!

  4. Hi: I did not know you had a Tea Cup Thursday. I would like to join. Love all the tea cup fun. Your cup this week is beautiful. Blessings, Martha

  5. How fun, now I'm sure they will sit together,sister teacups from now on.

  6. Such a pretty tea cup ... I love the different coloured roses! So delicate!

  7. And a very pretty Queen Anne teacup collection you have.


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