A Mommy Brag Moment!!

A Congratulations to Mr. Zach - Piano Extraordinaire!!

(Left to Right) Zach, Don, Grayson, Donna, Miss Spenser & Chase ~ Spring Recital 2010

 Okay...bear with me here...but as a Mom, I have the right to brag...right?! A week ago, Zachary (15) competed in the Iowa Music Teacher Association's Piano Competition. Zachary has been performing in this competition for several years now; he won State at age 13 at Level C.

This year, he was performed at Level D - his music program was about 20 minutes long and consisted of four memorized pieces, a Baroque, Classical, Romantic and Contemporary. For months now, this kiddo has been working very diligently on these pieces...practicing at least an hour or more every day. Now, let me reassure you, I am not one of those Tiger Moms, Zach just happens to love his music, so practicing is something he really enjoys.

For those of you who attended our November tea where we featured Zachary's musical abilities, you will attest to his natural ability at the piano; nothing makes me smile more than to watch him play...his musical expression is 'awing.' Of course, Mr. Zach, is one of the most humblest guys I know and would never toot his own horn...so let me do it for him!! Zachary won his competition and will now be going on to State on March 12!! We are so excited!! Thank you for allowing me to share this great achievement with you...way to go Zachary...we are all so proud of you!!


  1. So happy for you, Zach. Best of luck at State!

  2. What a wonderful mama you are, such an endearing post about Zach's wonderful abilities and accomplishments, we wish him the best at State! You have the most charming family, I'm always encouraged by you all.

    I kid you not


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